Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Work

I just wanted to share a few images that I have been working on. I really find myself leaning more and more towards this style! I realize that it is a little different than the usual but I just feel like an image deserves some feeling. I have just been a little bored with cleaning up an image and sending it out, I feel like I should put a little bit of me into it. I know that these aren't for everyone but when I shoot an image I kind of have an idea of what it should look like. I believe that each image is unique and it should stand out and say something about it. Anyway these are really cool to me and I wanted to share my thoughts! If you like them (or not) please let me know, I would love to know what people think! It's hard when you put things out there and your not sure what people are thinking so theres a little comment word down below the picture just click on it and let me know or you could just e-mail me too.


Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

I like the new images, different and unique.