Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Family Photos

So we finally went out and got a few family portraits. It only took us about 3 years! Sweet parents huh? Anyhow I know I would much rather be on the other side of the camera, nobody wants to see my ugly mug in the shot. I am really happy that we did though because my family is awesome and I love them more than anything! So it's just going to have to be a regular thing I guess.
So with that being said here we are in our glory... My wife is way to critical about herself I think she looks great!!!! Sorry no approval first sister!


Ahren Carpenter and Family said...

Well Mr. Cocky I love seeing your mug and I am not photogenic so next time I think a few drinks first and the photos will be much better I hate being in front of the camera. Our kids are so damn cute no one even sees us! I love you!!

Your Wife

Ahren Carpenter and Family said...
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Jenny Erazo said...

Those are GREAT pictures...I think the whole damn family is pretty cute! You do an amazing job Mike!